
Custom xLights Layout & Design Consultation

xTreme Sequences can guide you through the process of creating a stunning xlights show for Halloween and Christmas. I have helped many families navigate the complexities of pixel shows with great success. Beginning early is key. I take a methodical approach to finding what works best in each situation. One on one support has been instrumental in achieving successful shows for folks that have started with no experience. Initially, I will have a 'get to know each other' call face to face using Zoom to get a feel for the fit. This gives me the opportunity to assess your learning styles, passions, likes and dislikes while giving you the opportunity to decide if we are the right fit to take you on this journey. If there is no chemistry then there is no reason to work together. Most of the time there is and we quickly being outlining future state of your light show. Some of my best friends are a result of this process and I am grateful for the fun, hilarious, hectic and stressful situations each has provided. I have a passion for teaching that matches my passion for lighting.
Property type
Property Layout
Very SmallSmallAverageLargeMansion
Favorite RGB Props
Experience With Light Shows


Very happy with the sequences we have purchased and will definitely be buying more for our show. Easy import, very cool effects. Great job!!!

Chad Morgan
January 2020

This is my second year of lights. Previously I downloaded a couple of sequences from the Google drive, then this year I added more with singing elements and I needed something to show off these new singing bulbs. I found Xtremesequences were not...

Bernie Hunt
January 2020

Ron and his services never disappoint. I have been in this hobby for awhile and he is alway there to help. Great sequences, great communication. Alway a crowd favorite. Thank you Ron.

Ryan Hunter
January 2020

This is my first year using pixels and xlights. I sat in on one of Ron's classes and saw how easy he made it to map any of his sequences to my layout. I joined his club and was able to choose from the best sequences in the business. I am looking...

James Crickenberger
January 2020

I really love Xtremesequences ! This was my first year with X-lights and I was struggling with making a sequence that had those super cool effects that Xlights is know for. So when I got on to Ron's web site I was blown away with the amount of...

Bill Gresens
January 2020

I bought the sequence for Let It Go from the movie frozen. Such outstanding effects. It was the most popular sequence by far given the reactions of the crowds and requests for it to be played.

Bob Gray
January 2020

Xtreme Sequences is the best sequence services you can have. Ron Howard is willing to answer any questions you may have. Best customer service around. I have their annual membership and it pays for it self.

Hugo Garza
August 2020

I have been designing light shows since the early days of Vixen when ramp up/down of dumb light strings was high-tech! Coincidentally that is about the extent of my artistic eye. I am a musician and while I love sequencing and find it fun I am...

Carl Garrett
January 2020

I have being using LOR for years but moved to the pixel world this year and thanks to Ron’s sequences it made my life so much easier since I still use LED static along with RGB now and the sequences were a big help thanks again Ron

Mary Groth
January 2020

I am "xtremely" impressed with xTreme Seuemces! Ron definitely know what he is doing with sequencing RGBW lights! I recommend his sequences to anyone. Importing the sequences and mapping to my props were fairly simple with the instructions...

Tom Savage
January 2020

Ron’s sequences are one of a kind. Not only are they absolutely gorgeous on my layout but they are very fluid with the music which makes them a treat to watch. I use many of them and they are all crowd pleasers. He has a way of incorporating...

Albert Barone
January 2020

Ron's work is completely awesome! I have also found that his willingness to help the DIY hobbyist is a direct reflection of his roots in this hobby. There can be a lot of stress factors in this hobby, especially for your first show, Ron is...

Ted Messinger
January 2020

Let me take this moment to say that the xTreme sequence and Ron have been in my show for 3 years and people are amazed at his work. Excellent job and great customer service. Keep up the good work.

Ed Molina
October 2021

Couldn’t ask for more, the best sequencing around 100 %. Tried it myself and so far up to 100 hrs put in to a 6 minute mega mix. Only once you’ve attempted to do your own sequencing is when you realise how much time, effort and amazing effects Ron...

Nikki Douthwaite
October 2021

It takes a very special talent and creative mind to create sequences to this caliber, Ron has both hands down. He is always there to assist individuals with problems, he’s been in the business for a while so he’s seen and experienced a lot. If...

Jeff carder
October 2021

What can I say about xtreme sequences sequences, the amount of work and creativity spent on each sequence shows. There are many props that can be used from small shows to large. But most of all a great sequence bring big returns, the smiles and...

Les Murray
October 2021

Ron has a talent in putting together sequence's that are cohesive and very detailed to make your display pop!!!

richard leviness
November 2021

I started in LOR, with a simple gutter-line and a few strands on my Maple trees. What got me interested was Wizards of Winter, as simple as it seems so long ago. Since then, I have built a display over 15k lights plus a P5, and growing each...

Scott Hughes-McGee Family Lights
December 2021

I've been doing a holiday display on my home for 5 years now and my show has grown over the years. From 6000 pixels my first year to just over 21000 now it has become a large display that I'm very proud to call my own. Every year my investment...

Albert Barone
October 2022

We have been members of Xtreme Sequences for a few years now. There are so many small details that really bring our show to life thanks to Ron's work. We have a lot of HD props thanks to the sequences Ron has created and love the creativity he...

Audra Burton
October 2022